Lisa Graff tells the story of fourth-graders Kansas Bloom and Francine Halata, who start out as archenemies, until--in a battle of wits and willpower--they discover that they have a lot more in common than either would have guessed. They started the dare battle to see who would win news anchor.
This dual-perspective novel will appeal to girls and boys alike--and to anyone who has ever wanted anything so badly that they'd lick a lizard to get it.
I love this book since it is full of hilarious dares. Francine and Kansas got in trouble a few times and did things I would not even imagine doing!!!!!
This dual-perspective novel will appeal to girls and boys alike--and to anyone who has ever wanted anything so badly that they'd lick a lizard to get it.
I love this book since it is full of hilarious dares. Francine and Kansas got in trouble a few times and did things I would not even imagine doing!!!!!
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